Saturday, November 28, 2015

Tokusatsu in Review: Kamen Rider 555 Part 4

Personal revelations throw everyone for a loop, as an Orphenoch is revealed in their midst.

Tokusatsu in review: Kamen Rider 555 Part 4 (1... by ShintaReviews

Tokusatsu in review: Kamen Rider 555 Part 4 (2... by ShintaReviews


  1. Just a few questions cause I haven't fully finished the series when it is aired at my region.

    1. Since the rider gears switch users often, who is your favorite users for each rider gear?

    2. Does different users used different versions of the rider kicks?

    3. Why doesn't Kaido have a chance to become a full fledge Kamen Rider? He should have been a perfect user for Delta or like you mentioned, Kaixa.

  2. You know Delta's problem is its appears to be more prototype looking then the other two...perhaps thats the thing you are looking for....Seriously Masato deserves to be in the hall of villain for this .....Causing Conflict to the extreme etc.

  3. Hey Des Shinta Toei strikes again this time on dailymotion
